With thanks...
Today I had the immense fortune to meet with a personality so large, it is hard to describe. This man walks the walk and talks the talk. He is no preacher because he practises what he says. The man I am talking off is the author of an amazing book which is a tool out of the toolbox of life. The book inspires me to make what I want achievable and encourages you to plan for success. Many people say the same thing but he is so giving with his valuable time. I am truly grateful to him and I would attribute my new found energy to his teachings.
He gave me a copy of his book and signed it 'Pursue Your Passion Everyday' and 'You Rock!!'. He pish-poshed my feeble excuses of not having his book and magnanimously gave me the book. Again, I am in his debt.
He is an amazing personality and I wish him all the best in life.
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