Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Trumpeter Swans

I was amazed to read about Trumpeter Swans, it seems they are monogamous for their entire lives...what a lovely thought!

I am not going to go down the rabbit hole talking about the mating habits of Homo sapiens. But I think it is an amazing metaphor for loyalty.

I read recently how a consumer didn't like the fact that advertisements talked of having a meaningful relationship with his deodorant. I agree and disagree with him. We only have eyes for our pet brand, just like we seek the company of people we know and like. They say brand loyalty forms at a young age, but I feel as though brand recognition comes at an early age, evidenced by my nephew only liking the golden 'M' of McDonald's. Brand loyalty comes at the time when we consume consciously, especially since we spend our hard earned money, how ever hard or easy it was to get. With the amount of choices in today's marketplace, finding a brand to fit your lifestyle is as elusive as that perfect human relationship.

I am very happy with the relationships I have with my family, friends and brands. I cant consume as much as I'd like to but the intention is the most powerful drive, and as marketeer I seek to make these connections, so I understand how rare it is to find it. I found my Trumpeter Swan, have you?

Why I smile on the train

I recently read this book by Dr. Jim Muncy called 'One Door, Two Locks', and I must say it opened my eyes.

I used to think I was always right, about everything, or that all my thoughts and ideas have merit. Not that they don't but he quoted Albert Einstein's observation that the problems we face can't be solved with the same thinking that created them.

So it's Spring cleaning time, filing away all my thoughts in deep folders, properly cross referenced for the future. I am aiming to train myself out of bad habits and into approaching every new thing without preconceived ideas from my deep database of random information. This approach has its flaws too but after preliminary assessments to my attitude toward the project in question, I am going to follow what a great man once said, " God has given us two ears and one mouth, use it in proportion".

It has made me a happier person, humbled by the realization. I am living in today and taking full opportunity of what I have before I move on. I cannot stress the importance of this decision but I strongly feel you must come to the realisation on your own, nothing that you believe in strongly was because you had to believe it.

When you pursue your passion everyday, there is a constant smile on your face, a spring in your step, warm sunshine, enlivened senses, and honestly that is what I am content with.

Until next time....