A respected business leader once said, "The word ask is no longer a verb, it's become a noun and it is now known as The Ask"
Mumbo jumbo? Marketing buzz words? I thought so too, but only initially. Only when I allowed the meaning to wash over me did I realize the truth in every word.
The dictionary defines it as: to call on for an answer, and there are various other interpretations along the same lines. In contemporary usage the word has been reappropriated a whole new meaning. It is fascinating to note that while it is an ordinary word, it transcends our understanding of the language as we know it. It brings to mind the Oral society of Marshal McLuhan and the repercussions of the written word. Now I'm not going to get all philosophical on you, dear reader, but just take a minute to decipher what I could mean by the difference between ask and the ask.
I find myself converted to a disciple of the ask. It's not just an idea, it's a way of life.
Steve Nash said, and I am paraphrasing here, you will miss every shot you don't take. This sentence while perfectly logical on it's own, can be connected to the ask in a rather perverted fashion.
So what in the world am I on about you might ask, and I'm going to put your mind at ease. Come with me on this journey, the universe is a limitless vacuum where we are left to essentially fend for ourselves. From the Darwin to evolutionists, we cannot agree how we came to be on earth, but now that we are here, our lives are what we perceive it to be. It is widely known that what we see around us is our perception of it and not necessarily its exact form. The ask becomes powerful here because to make the ask, we must know what we want. Call it a sales technique but it's definitely a very zen life choice. To distill the meaning, I would define it as what we know of our final destination to ensure that all efforts are mindlessly yet effectively directed at what we ask for.
This is the mantra:
I am determined to ask for what I want. I know I will always get what I want and sometimes I will get what I need because I ask for what I want. It might be the long way around but essentially in it's purest form, it's the optimized route.
The fabulous thing about this idea is that it is a paradigm shift. It shifts the onus from the universe to ourselves and empowers us with the power to ask for the ask.
Mumbo jumbo? Marketing buzz words? I thought so too, but only initially. Only when I allowed the meaning to wash over me did I realize the truth in every word.
The dictionary defines it as: to call on for an answer, and there are various other interpretations along the same lines. In contemporary usage the word has been reappropriated a whole new meaning. It is fascinating to note that while it is an ordinary word, it transcends our understanding of the language as we know it. It brings to mind the Oral society of Marshal McLuhan and the repercussions of the written word. Now I'm not going to get all philosophical on you, dear reader, but just take a minute to decipher what I could mean by the difference between ask and the ask.
I find myself converted to a disciple of the ask. It's not just an idea, it's a way of life.
Steve Nash said, and I am paraphrasing here, you will miss every shot you don't take. This sentence while perfectly logical on it's own, can be connected to the ask in a rather perverted fashion.
So what in the world am I on about you might ask, and I'm going to put your mind at ease. Come with me on this journey, the universe is a limitless vacuum where we are left to essentially fend for ourselves. From the Darwin to evolutionists, we cannot agree how we came to be on earth, but now that we are here, our lives are what we perceive it to be. It is widely known that what we see around us is our perception of it and not necessarily its exact form. The ask becomes powerful here because to make the ask, we must know what we want. Call it a sales technique but it's definitely a very zen life choice. To distill the meaning, I would define it as what we know of our final destination to ensure that all efforts are mindlessly yet effectively directed at what we ask for.
This is the mantra:
I am determined to ask for what I want. I know I will always get what I want and sometimes I will get what I need because I ask for what I want. It might be the long way around but essentially in it's purest form, it's the optimized route.
The fabulous thing about this idea is that it is a paradigm shift. It shifts the onus from the universe to ourselves and empowers us with the power to ask for the ask.