Recently I went to a Wine and Cheese event. I quite enjoyed the parings and like the speaker said "Wine and Cheese is a marriage made in heaven". The speaker is a wine expert having sampled wines from all around the world and has a book out called Ask the Wine Doctor.
With the MaƮtre Fromager he paired cheeses with the wines to bring out either a contrast or a complimentary flavour. As we are told, we put a bit of cheese on our tongue and once it was warmer, we press it to the roof of the mouth(palette) and sip the wine. The flavours mixing is noticeable to even a naive and untrained tongue. The Wine expert discussed the flavours he got from the wines. I even guessed a few like Pear, Black Cherry, Leather, Tobacco, Acetone etc.
For your parties you may try these:
- The Nederburg Sauvignon Blanc (South Africa) with Grey Owl
- The Rocca delle Macie Chianti Vernaiolo (Italy) with Hercule
- The Caliterra Cabernet Sauvignon (Chile) with Tomme de Gross Ile
- The Taylor Fladgate First Estate Port (Portugal) with Bleu Elizabeth
The Sauvignon Blanc/Grey Owl and the Chanti/Hercule are my favourites. The Port/Bleu Elizabeth is an acquired taste due to the high presence of Brandy.
Thank you Edward Finstein!